Page with all the features that will be added to the launcher.
Localization/Translation support Make the launcher multilingual.
Auto-updates To make it easier to get updates. Just open the launcher and it'll get automatically updated.
Logger for bug fixing and easy bug report A file where all the things ther launcher did get saved so you can send it with your bug report to make it easier to debug.
Linux support Make the launcher work on Linux with the same functionality as on windows.
Add something interesting to the main page Latest video from Vintage Story YouTube channel.
Automatic world backups System to make automatic backups pf your worlds and configs so you don't get your worlds corrupted.
Launch arguments/params A way to add custom parameters to installations so every time you press play the game launches using this ones.
Mod manager A page to install and manage the mods of your installations.
Auto new game version importer When a new version of the game is launched I've to manually install it, compress the files and upload them to the VS Launcher API for you to download. I want to make this automatic. Less work for me and you don't have to wait hours for me to upload it.
Permanent session When you start a new Installation you'll have to manually login. If you play on multiple Installations this is a pain. I'll try to copy the session from one Installation to the others so you don't have to do this.
Mod auto-updater A way to update mods automatically. Mod manager will allow you to see mods with updates but you'll have to manually update them if you want to. Automatic updates will be something similar but it'll download the updated version automatically. This will not be easy and it'll not work as expected because there are mods working on 1.20.X for example but there is no 1.20.X tag on them so... I've no way to know if the mod works on the version you're using or not.
Clone installation button A button to clone an installation to another folder. This will not clone worlds, configs and so on. It'll only clone mods, Installation settings(backup settings, start params...).
Server support A way to install and manage servers! Just install a new server on the version you want, install the mods you need and press start!
ModPack suport A way to export your installed mods and send them to your friends as .json probably so they can import them on the installation they want and all the mods will be automatically installed.
Game configs importer A way to import the config from one installation to another so you don't have manually change the graphics, audio, keyboard... settings again.
Welcome guide A little step by step guide for new people. Little popups teaching you how to use the launcher the first time you open it.
Last updated 17 days ago
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