Guide for those that want to translate VS Launcher to another language.
VS Launcher is developed using i18next which makes it translatable to any language. In this guide you will see the 2 ways to translate VS Launcher.
The first one is easier but you won't have a visual interface, comments, automatic translations or many other advantages of option 2. If you only want to translate VS Launcher once and you don't plan to update the translation with new versions of the launcher or you don't want to break your head too much and you don't mind editing a .json
by hand then this is your option.
The second option is a bit more tedious the first time since you have to install an application (Visual Studio Code), create an account on GitHub and configure a few things. In 10 minutes you have everything ready. The advantage of this option is that you will have a visual interface where you can easily see what new keys you have that are not translated, automatically translate keys with one click, leave notes about translations for other people, synchronize new changes with one click, add translations directly to the VS Launcher repository... when you have the first setup ready you'll only need to make a few clicks and you'll be able to translate new things, the tedious part it only the first time.
With this said, let's start with the guide!
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