Option 2 (recomended)
Tedious to setup, easier to translate.
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Tedious to setup, easier to translate.
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This second option is harder to set up but once you've everything configured it'll be easier for you to translate as there is a GUI when you can sort the missing keys, write comments for other people...
If you choose this option just follow the next steps:
The first thing you need is to install Visual Studio Code. This is a text editor made by Microsoft and it's compatible with Windows, Linux and MacOS. It's used by most developers around the world and it counts with a lot of plugins to improve the experience, one of those is i18n Ally, the one we'll use.
You can download it from here: VSCode official website
Just download it and install it like any other app.
Git is the version control system used by most devs around the world. It's the "app" used to download and upload code changed to GitHub to explain it the easy way ^^
You can download it from here: Git official website
Just download it and install it like any other app.
During the installation you'll see a lot of options with checks and so on. Ignore them, just press next, next, next, next, install...
GitHub is used for storing code, collaboration on coding projects, and is also used as a version control system, among other things. It's used by most devs and companies around the world.
You can create an account here: GitHub page
Just press the Sign In button and follow the steps.
You've installed Git on your PC but now you have to configure the account to use.
To do this just copy-paste the next commands one by one and execute them on your CMD, if you're using Windows, or Console, if you're using Linux, replacing <username>
with your GitHub username and <email>
with the email you've used to create your GitHub account (step 4).
You can't directly make changes on another user repository on GitHub, to do this you've to "copy" that repository to your account and edit it there. That's what a fork is, a copy of the original repository.
To do this just go to the VS Launcher repository and press the fork
button ad the top, like in the image:
Now change the name to vs-launcher-xx-XX
depending on the language you'll translate to. For Spanish is vs-launcher-es-ES
and for English is vs-launcher-en-US
for example. You can also add a description but this is optional:
Now you've a copy of the vs-launcher repository on your account but, you've to download it to your computer.
To do this just go the your repository on profile
(top right corner) > repositories
> vs-launcher-xx-XX
, click on the green Code
button and copy the link like in the image:
Now open your CMD, if you're using Windows, or Console, if you're using Linux, and execute the next commands one by one replacing <repository>
with the link you copied before and xx-XX
with the ones used on your repository name:
Open Visual Studio Code and open the folder you've cloned, it should be on your user folder like C:/Users/YourUsername/vs-launcher-xx-XX
on Windows and /home/YourUsername/vs-launcher-xx-XX
on Linux, if you cloned it elsewhere just select that folder:
Sometimes it'll ask you to trust the author of that folder, you in this case, just press yes like in the image:
On the left menu you'll see a localization icon, if this one does not appear just click to open a few files from the left menu and wait a few seconds/a minute and it'll appear, it'll search for the lang files and do everything itself. Here you've a little video showing how to translate:
Now that you've translated everything you needed you just have to upload changes to you repository to later sync then with vs-launcher oficial repository.
To do this just go to the Git icon on the left menu, press stage files (➕ button), write a little text with the changes you've made (it can be "Translated" or "Updated translations") and commit:
And now just push the changes to your repository (upload them)
the first time it'll ask you to login with your GitHub account. Just press yes on the popup, login on your browser, and press allow this link to be opened on VSCode:
Now you've translated and uploaded the translations to your repository but you've to send them to the official repository.
To do this just go to your GitHub account, open your repository and you'll see a Contribute
button! Just click it and then click Open pull request
Now change the title of the Pull Request and add a little description. Then just press Create pull request
When changes are uploaded to the official repository you have to "copy" them to your repository. This can be done on GitHub. Go to your account, enter your repository and press Sync fork
and then the green button:
There is no button on the image because I could not make changes to take the screenshot xD